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priceline very nice ah..(HeJi) - 未名空间精华区
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priceline very nice ah..(HeJi)

发信人: breeze (gaga), 信区: Travel
标 题: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Aug 27 13:41:34 2002), 转信

bid a hotel last night near crater lake, got a red lion (former hilton),
only $55 a night (regular price $94)

Greed is good - Gordon Gekko

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 63.121.]
发信人: jeeves (coala), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Aug 27 13:46:32 2002) WWW-POST

从来没敢在PRICELINE上订过房子,总觉得不知道住哪就被CHARGE CREDIT CARD不踏实,
【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: bid a hotel last night near crater lake, got a red lion (former hilton),
: only $55 a night (regular price $94)

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 156.153.]
发信人: breeze (gaga), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Aug 27 13:49:25 2002), 转信

they will ask you to select zones and hotel star ratings, so you pretty much
know what/where in general

【 在 jeeves (coala) 的大作中提到: 】
: 从来没敢在PRICELINE上订过房子,总觉得不知道住哪就被CHARGE CREDIT CARD不踏实,
: 不过自己找HOTEL也是盲人瞎马,碰运气。
: 【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: : bid a hotel last night near crater lake, got a red lion (former hilton),
: : only $55 a night (regular price $94)

Greed is good - Gordon Gekko

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 63.121.]
发信人: adven (冒险者), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Aug 27 13:53:59 2002), 转信

【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: they will ask you to select zones and hotel star ratings, so you pretty much
只选了Star, 没有看到哪里可以选什么zone的阿.
昨天bid了Great Island(Niagara/Buffalo)的Holliday Inn, 傻里巴基的出价35,
15分钟就把我Charge了, 不爽(照说来, 9/2,9/3晚上又不是节假日, 我应该出低点价)

恩, 到时候还不知道能不能要靠河边的房子...

: know what/where in general
: 【 在 jeeves (coala) 的大作中提到: 】
: : 从来没敢在PRICELINE上订过房子,总觉得不知道住哪就被CHARGE CREDIT CARD不踏实,
: : 不过自己找HOTEL也是盲人瞎马,碰运气。

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 140.221.]
发信人: breeze (gaga), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Aug 27 14:11:42 2002), 转信

you should check expedia or something first to get an idea of how much it
usually costs and then bid 1/3 lower

$35 for holiday inn should be a very good price lah. if it refused you
you would have to wait 3 days to bid again. and that could have spoiled
your vacation plan

【 在 adven (冒险者) 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: : they will ask you to select zones and hotel star ratings, so you pretty much
: 只选了Star, 没有看到哪里可以选什么zone的阿.
: 昨天bid了Great Island(Niagara/Buffalo)的Holliday Inn, 傻里巴基的出价35,
: 15分钟就把我Charge了, 不爽(照说来, 9/2,9/3晚上又不是节假日, 我应该出低点价)
: 恩, 到时候还不知道能不能要靠河边的房子...
: : know what/where in general

Greed is good - Gordon Gekko

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 63.121.]
发信人: DeaDEyE (休息休息), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Aug 27 15:54:43 2002) WWW-POST


【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: you should check expedia or something first to get an idea of how much it
: usually costs and then bid 1/3 lower
: $35 for holiday inn should be a very good price lah. if it refused you
: you would have to wait 3 days to bid again. and that could have spoiled
: your vacation plan

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 134.139.]
发信人: breeze (gaga), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Aug 27 15:56:42 2002), 转信

i have that link.. but that's only for big cities. for medford oregon
there's no data :)

【 在 DeaDEyE (休息休息) 的大作中提到: 】
: 不用去那些地方了,到下面的LINK
: 看看人家最近都BID到什么价钱
: 然后出价就行了,这样你在BID之前大概是哪家酒店也知道了.
: 【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: : you should check expedia or something first to get an idea of how much it
: : usually costs and then bid 1/3 lower
: : $35 for holiday inn should be a very good price lah. if it refused you
: : you would have to wait 3 days to bid again. and that could have spoiled
: : your vacation plan
: much
: )

Greed is good - Gordon Gekko

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 63.121.]
发信人: DeaDEyE (休息休息), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Aug 27 16:02:05 2002) WWW-POST

yeah, only big cities
大家也可以以你的经历为借鉴,长上一智了, :)

【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: i have that link.. but that's only for big cities. for medford oregon
: there's no data :)
: 【 在 DeaDEyE (休息休息) 的大作中提到: 】
: : 不用去那些地方了,到下面的LINK
: :
: : 看看人家最近都BID到什么价钱
: : 然后出价就行了,这样你在BID之前大概是哪家酒店也知道了.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 134.139.]
发信人: bystander (俗人), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Aug 27 16:59:33 2002), 转信

我用priceline bid过车,飞机,但从来没bid过旅馆。原因是:
我出去一般都是5个人一起,刚好一辆full size car, 住
motel时专门找那种有two double beds的,然后床上四个人,
多出来的一个人打地铺睡睡袋。 用priceline不能确切知道
多旅馆都是要么一张King size, 要么两张full size, 那意味

不知道大家碰到类似情况怎么处理?还是铁了心bid priceline碰
queen/double beds的房间,不过我对此方法表示怀疑。呵呵,
我一直怀疑priceline上bid房间的都是couple, 所以不存在我说的问题. :)

【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: bid a hotel last night near crater lake, got a red lion (former hilton),
: only $55 a night (regular price $94)

有时以为自己被什么打动, 其实往往只是自己在打动自己.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 164.107.]
发信人: breeze (gaga), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Aug 27 17:15:37 2002), 转信

yeah.. i never shared rooms with others so don't have such
an issue.. but i think you can always request an additonal
bed for $10 if you want

【 在 bystander (俗人) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我用priceline bid过车,飞机,但从来没bid过旅馆。原因是:
: 我出去一般都是5个人一起,刚好一辆full size car, 住
: motel时专门找那种有two double beds的,然后床上四个人,
: 多出来的一个人打地铺睡睡袋。 用priceline不能确切知道
: 地点/星级倒罢了,问题是根本就没法指定房间里有几张床(很
: 多旅馆都是要么一张King size, 要么两张full size, 那意味
: 着要有三个人打地铺,不行;何况还有可能被旅馆找麻烦)。
: 不知道大家碰到类似情况怎么处理?还是铁了心bid priceline碰
: 运气?有人说可以bid完以后打电话到旅馆去指定要那种有two
: queen/double beds的房间,不过我对此方法表示怀疑。呵呵,
: 我一直怀疑priceline上bid房间的都是couple, 所以不存在我说的问题. :)
: 【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: : bid a hotel last night near crater lake, got a red lion (former hilton),
: : only $55 a night (regular price $94)

Greed is good - Gordon Gekko

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 63.121.]
发信人: hengjihengji (哼唧哼唧), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Aug 27 17:50:32 2002), 转信

我上次bid的Great Island的Holiday Inn好像是$29

【 在 adven (冒险者) 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: : they will ask you to select zones and hotel star ratings, so you pretty much
: 只选了Star, 没有看到哪里可以选什么zone的阿.
: 昨天bid了Great Island(Niagara/Buffalo)的Holliday Inn, 傻里巴基的出价35,
: 15分钟就把我Charge了, 不爽(照说来, 9/2,9/3晚上又不是节假日, 我应该出低点价)
: 恩, 到时候还不知道能不能要靠河边的房子...
: : know what/where in general

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 4.47.]
发信人: bystander (俗人), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Aug 27 18:05:54 2002), 转信

well,not always. some motels/hotel have a maxiumu capacity,
and if it happenes to be 2 or 3 (which is not unusual), then
u'r doomed, even if u would like to pay more, u'r not allowed.

some other motels/hotel will charge u more for
each additional person, like $15 or $20 (not $5 or $10), again
this is not unusual. if u happen to get such a room (which means in fact u
may need to pay around 3x$20=$60 more than the price u got from priceline),
then it's much worse than ur getting a room (2 double beds room) from
non-priceline agent.

【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: yeah.. i never shared rooms with others so don't have such
: an issue.. but i think you can always request an additonal
: bed for $10 if you want

有时以为自己被什么打动, 其实往往只是自己在打动自己.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 164.107.]
发信人: jeeves (coala), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Aug 27 18:36:23 2002) WWW-POST

【 在 bystander (俗人) 的大作中提到: 】
: well,not always. some motels/hotel have a maxiumu capacity,
: and if it happenes to be 2 or 3 (which is not unusual), then
: u'r doomed, even if u would like to pay more, u'r not allowed.
: some other motels/hotel will charge u more for
: each additional person, like $15 or $20 (not $5 or $10), again
: this is not unusual. if u happen to get such a room (which means in fact u
: may need to pay around 3x$20=$60 more than the price u got from priceline),
: then it's much worse than ur getting a room (2 double beds room) from
: non-priceline agent.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 156.153.]
发信人: qiaqia (郁郁芷兰), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Aug 27 21:26:01 2002), 转信

regular price $94 bid for $55 is not *that* cheap ya? we often get something
like 70%-80% discount using i think you can get a 3+ star
hotel at $60 or lower at at most major cities (unless you
are going at an odd time when there is something major going on in the city
you'll be staying).

【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: bid a hotel last night near crater lake, got a red lion (former hilton),
: only $55 a night (regular price $94)


When your lips touched my lips, like i was kissing destiny
it felt

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 151.201.]
发信人: qiaqia (郁郁芷兰), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Aug 27 21:30:13 2002), 转信

you can always request for 2 double/queen beds at pretty much all
major hotels at all times upon availability. or not.

【 在 bystander (俗人) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我用priceline bid过车,飞机,但从来没bid过旅馆。原因是:
: 我出去一般都是5个人一起,刚好一辆full size car, 住
: motel时专门找那种有two double beds的,然后床上四个人,


When your lips touched my lips, like i was kissing destiny
it felt

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 151.201.]
发信人: qiaqia (郁郁芷兰), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Aug 27 21:40:52 2002), 转信

i don't know how small a motel you stay at. i mean, almost all national
chains have 2 double beds/maximum 4 available (sure they may state in their
policy that they charge fees for more than 2 occupants).

from my experience on, they usually find you a very big nice
hotel (i always ask for 3+ star anyway) and none cares how many people stay
in a room. i think this problem is likely to occur if you stay at a small

i do not like for flights(non direct,can't specify time) or
car rentals(must pick up at the airport) but i love its hotel service. it's
really nice. i get to stay at a 4-star hotel for $40 at many places...

【 在 bystander (俗人) 的大作中提到: 】
: well,not always. some motels/hotel have a maxiumu capacity,
: and if it happenes to be 2 or 3 (which is not unusual), then
: u'r doomed, even if u would like to pay more, u'r not allowed.


When your lips touched my lips, like i was kissing destiny
it felt

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 151.201.]
发信人: bystander (俗人), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Aug 28 00:08:48 2002), 转信

//ft u mean after u've already accepted an offer from priceline and then
call the hotel/motel to ask for 2double/4 ppl room? then what if the hotel
told u they only have room for 2 ppl?

【 在 qiaqia (郁郁芷兰) 的大作中提到: 】
: you can always request for 2 double/queen beds at pretty much all
: major hotels at all times upon availability. or not.

有时以为自己被什么打动, 其实往往只是自己在打动自己.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 164.107.]
发信人: bystander (俗人), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Aug 28 00:25:38 2002), 转信

【 在 qiaqia (郁郁芷兰) 的大作中提到: 】
: i don't know how small a motel you stay at. i mean, almost all national
: chains have 2 double beds/maximum 4 available (sure they may state in their
: policy that they charge fees for more than 2 occupants).

/ffdt 7456!!! 再说一遍, 我担心的是如果你在通过priceline订房间时不指明
会以各种理由来搪塞你 --- 试想如果你是旅馆经理,当你有权决定分给一个旅客
换个角度,当你作为旅馆经理发现可以通过charge additional person

: from my experience on, they usually find you a very big nice
: hotel (i always ask for 3+ star anyway) and none cares how many people stay
: in a room. i think this problem is likely to occur if you stay at a small
: motel.

1st, tell me during ur travel, generally how many ppl were in ur group? if
it's only 2 or 3, of coz u never need to worry about maximum occupancy
problem, then we'r not on the same boat.

2nd, ur claim about hotel won't care how many ppl stay in a room is not true.
again, i belive it's just due to in ur group u always only have 2 or 3,
so u never met what gonna happen when u have 5 ppl in total.
in fact, in many hotels, to get onto elevator/get into ur room,
u have to 穿过大堂. 试想如果你刚刚check in时订的只是能容纳2个人的房间并
过。 后来只好加钱($20/per additional son, in SF) that's not an
enjoyable experience. 再以前去NYC时也是这样,只好5个人分两拨
鬼鬼祟祟溜进去,感觉也很不舒服。BTW, 类似的情况无论住hotel/motel
时都遇到过,而且涉及的motel都是全国联锁的(days inn, ramada之类)。


有时以为自己被什么打动, 其实往往只是自己在打动自己.

※ 修改:.bystander 于 Aug 28 20:18:33 修改本文.[FROM: 164.107.]
※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 164.107.]
发信人: breeze (cyberdragon), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Aug 28 00:27:45 2002), 转信

: 过。 后来只好加钱($20/per additional son, in SF) that's not an

ROTFL.. how many sons do you have?!!! hahahahahah

: enjoyable experience. 再以前去NYC时也是这样,只好5个人分两拨
: 鬼鬼祟祟溜进去,感觉也很不舒服。BTW, 类似的情况无论住hotel/motel
: 时都遇到过,而且涉及的motel都是全国联锁的(days inn, ramada之类)。
: 呵呵,恐怕只有在座经常5个人出去还用priceline订房间的可以传授一下
: 实战经验了。

Greed is good - Gordon Gekko

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 12.234.]
发信人: bystander (俗人), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Aug 28 00:30:27 2002), 转信

//ft typed "/person" first, then add "additional".

【 在 breeze (cyberdragon) 的大作中提到: 】
: : 过。 后来只好加钱($20/per additional son, in SF) that's not an
: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: ROTFL.. how many sons do you have?!!! hahahahahah
: : enjoyable experience. 再以前去NYC时也是这样,只好5个人分两拨
: : 鬼鬼祟祟溜进去,感觉也很不舒服。BTW, 类似的情况无论住hotel/motel
: : 时都遇到过,而且涉及的motel都是全国联锁的(days inn, ramada之类)。
: : 呵呵,恐怕只有在座经常5个人出去还用priceline订房间的可以传授一下
: : 实战经验了。

有时以为自己被什么打动, 其实往往只是自己在打动自己.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 164.107.]
发信人: DeaDEyE (休息休息), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Aug 28 04:25:45 2002) WWW-POST



【 在 bystander (俗人) 的大作中提到: 】
: //ft typed "/person" first, then add "additional".
: 【 在 breeze (cyberdragon) 的大作中提到: 】
: : : 过。 后来只好加钱($20/per additional son, in SF) that's not an
: : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: : ROTFL.. how many sons do you have?!!! hahahahahah
: : : enjoyable experience. 再以前去NYC时也是这样,只好5个人分两拨
: : : 鬼鬼祟祟溜进去,感觉也很不舒服。BTW, 类似的情况无论住hotel/motel
: : : 时都遇到过,而且涉及的motel都是全国联锁的(days inn, ramada之类)。
: : : 呵呵,恐怕只有在座经常5个人出去还用priceline订房间的可以传授一下
: : : 实战经验了。

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 134.139.]
发信人: Godeyes (花非花), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Aug 28 12:35:00 2002) WWW-POST

I bid one Hilton room at Boston Downtown. Black Bay.
Only 45$. Fantastic!!!

【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: bid a hotel last night near crater lake, got a red lion (former hilton),
: only $55 a night (regular price $94)


※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 128.172.]
发信人: bystander (俗人), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Aug 28 20:20:12 2002), 转信

hoho, 早就M了,没看见? 而且还不许我闲着没事领养几个儿子玩?
反正不指望他们养老。 :)

【 在 DeaDEyE (休息休息) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这笔误也太搞笑了,haha
: 俗人兄,你可得秉公办事,你自己的这片一定得马克!!!
: 当时我就琢磨,俗人这么坦率,得伤多少TRAVEL版的mm的心啊
: 儿子也不知道有几个,反正太多了,这不,送到三藩还有一个,
: 唉,俗人家里的俗事儿也够操心的了.
: 还来这里为大家服务,真是好人啊.
: 【 在 bystander (俗人) 的大作中提到: 】
: : //ft typed "/person" first, then add "additional".

有时以为自己被什么打动, 其实往往只是自己在打动自己.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 164.107.]
发信人: breeze (cyberdragon), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Aug 28 21:05:01 2002), 转信

mine has to be marked too.. so that people know why yours
should be marked :)

【 在 bystander (俗人) 的大作中提到: 】
: hoho, 早就M了,没看见? 而且还不许我闲着没事领养几个儿子玩?
: 反正不指望他们养老。 :)

Greed is good - Gordon Gekko

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 63.121.]
发信人: creation (yy), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Thu Aug 29 02:26:48 2002), 转信

depends where , salt lake city and Idaho falls
are very different in price,
I lived in red lion in idaho falls for 58$,
very nice, and formal breakfast for two,
this is the price given by yahoo,
【 在 breeze (gaga) 的大作中提到: 】
: bid a hotel last night near crater lake, got a red lion (former hilton),
: only $55 a night (regular price $94)

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 66.75.]
发信人: reaction (reaction), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Thu Aug 29 21:40:25 2002) WWW-POST

I happened to have a similar situation in Chicago area. That was Homestead
Chicago / Lombard / Oak Brook. The maxiumum capacity was only for two people.
The good thing was that I had booked two room for two couples in advance...

【 在 qiaqia (郁郁芷兰) 的大作中提到: 】
: i don't know how small a motel you stay at. i mean, almost all national
: chains have 2 double beds/maximum 4 available (sure they may state in their
: policy that they charge fees for more than 2 occupants).

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 128.255.]
发信人: qiaqia (郁郁芷兰), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: priceline very nice ah..
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Thu Aug 29 22:31:14 2002), 转信

how much did you pay for that? you can easily bid a 4-star hotel
in chicago near N Michigan ave for like $60. and request for double beds
if you need. i did that twice already.

【 在 reaction (reaction) 的大作中提到: 】
: I happened to have a similar situation in Chicago area. That was Homestead
: Chicago / Lombard / Oak Brook. The maxiumum capacity was only for two people.
: The good thing was that I had booked two room for two couples in advance...


When your lips touched my lips, like i was kissing destiny
it felt

※ 修改:.qiaqia 于 Aug 29 22:31:51 修改本文.[FROM: 151.201.]
※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 151.201.]


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